My teaching philosophy is centered around the principle of pedagogy before technology. I firmly believe that effective teaching begins with a strong foundation in pedagogical methods and strategies, which should take precedence over the integration of technology in educational settings. By prioritizing pedagogy, I ensure that my instructional approach aligns with the educational objectives and meets the diverse needs of my students.

Collaboration is at the heart of my teaching practice. I view information practices as social and collective, rather than individualistic endeavors. This perspective is not only a research interest of mine but also shapes how I facilitate learning experiences. I encourage group discussions, not only within tutorials and lectures, but also pertaining to students' future aspirations. I foster an environment where students can engage with one another, learn from each other's perspectives, and feel comfortable expressing their opinions and thoughts without fear of judgment.

In my classes, I am fortunate to have a diverse group of students, both local and international, each bringing their unique talents, expertise, and skills. I embrace this diversity and leverage it as a valuable resource for learning. Students find this collaborative approach to learning enjoyable, as it not only enhances their understanding of the subject matter but also cultivates lifelong relationships and friendships. I believe that the connections formed in the classroom have the potential to translate into valuable professional networks in their future careers. In fact, I often find myself learning from my students, as they bring fresh insights and perspectives to the table.

I hold the belief that learning is a lifelong endeavor. I encourage my students to approach learning with a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm, reminding them to seize every opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills. I advocate for a collective and group-based learning environment, as I believe it fosters a more engaging and enriching educational experience. This approach has been recognized by the students, as evidenced by the consecutive years in which I have received the Students Voice commendation.

Furthermore, I actively contribute to our Learning and Pedagogy research cluster, specifically focusing on the decolonization of the ICT curriculum. I am committed to promoting an inclusive approach to learning and teaching, ensuring that all students feel represented, respected, and empowered in the educational setting.

Finally, in my approach to teaching, I incorporate the latest research examples directly into the curriculum. This integration of cutting-edge research serves as a powerful strategy with multifaceted impacts on education. By utilizing the most current research insights, I create a dynamic learning environment that stimulates and engages students' intellectual curiosity.

In summary, my teaching philosophy prioritizes pedagogy over technology, encourages collaboration and group discussions, values diverse perspectives, fosters lifelong relationships, and promotes an inclusive approach to learning and teaching. I am dedicated to creating a supportive and engaging learning environment where students can thrive and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their future endeavors.